Thursday 11 June 2020

dream 10/06/20

Café sitting with what I thought was mum and son who had downs syndrome and autism and also my grandparents. Feeling uncomfortable with the son's erratic behaviour. Later turns out they were husband/wife and also had a child.

Going through a quiz with someone who did Christian Tarot, like what kind of future would I have based on my responses. WE never got around to the quiz part, had to break for lunch.

Moving down shoreham looking for house group? But turned out to be a runway.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

fearful update

my bed shakes and I feel heavy footsteps in my room in my dream. I fear the intimacy that comes with being able to protect myself from such an attack. I am on the front lines facing the temptation to shoot myself in the foot so that I can have a respectable leave from my comrades. I am in despair.