Thursday 19 October 2023

distant land. prophecy the ONE, becomes so wrapped up in it that he becomes the antagonist.

empty spaceship lands, aliens want special people to board it and leave the rest of earth. all special people have been killed so second best will have to take its place.

 the crying seabirds turning this way and that for land and the caverns like vast open mouths without tongues. and the curious loner ice glancing by from the west, watching me back, wanting to talk.

though his head turns at his name, he opens his mouth, instead, a red ribbon unspools from behind his teeth.

like animals, we had smell before sight. 

like animals, there was smell before sight.

the glass was old and pulled at the sight of the picture.

On Armistice Day, Mother told me to make myself scarce. 

It was not a good death.

It was a beautiful day but a bad death.

It was a beautiful day for a bad death, and with my hand over his mouth, he would not last long.

aliens come and leave empty ship to escape earth and travel back to our space

evil is defeated, good guy crowned king bad guy escapes to our world.

With my hand over his mouth, he would not last long.

she was a series of mistakes that strangers could only take in politely with small furtive gasps; taller than a man, a limping stride, her dark hair unravelling at the ends to an autumnal wash of colour, then a cleft palate scar from nose to mouth, ; the odd eyes, hazel, green, so one was attentive one either one side or the other.

The next one arrives; spatchcocked and lashed to the hood of a jeep. The one after that had no distinction,. He sits with Renee in silence, though he senses a form of communication, when they turn their hands over and over, chilblains cracking and itching, the fingertips stinging, throbbing and yearning for the heat in blood.

She was not a beauty, but this far west it was a rare sight to see, someone of that colouring, and he stared at her throughout supper.

the cigarette lazily curls upward in white cursive; his left eye runs over...

The wine served at my execution was the finest vintage.